RSW Apps
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy covers all of our Apps, including Watch ID, What Word, Puzzle Solver, and others.

RSW Apps does not gather any personal data. None. Zip. Nada.

All of our voice processing (Speech Recognition and Language Processing) is done entirely on your device - it is never sent over the internet

We do track user behaviour, but it's completely anonymous, and just so we can spot potential problems and how you like to use our apps.
We do this to make sure we can continue to improve our Apps.

None of our Apps collect user data. We do not ask for your name, email or any other information.

Contact us at our website or email If you are unsure or have further questions then please get in touch. We are parents too and know that the safe gaurding of your children, and your data is paramount.

Special care regarding children
We promise to keep your kids safe. With this in mind we fully adhere to the following acts:

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
We fully comply with the COPPA terms and conditions. We do not collect any personal information at all.

Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) and the ePrivacy directive (2002/58/EC, as revised by 2009/136/EC)
We fully comply with both of these European conditions. We do not collect any identifiable data.